The extra unfortunate thing is that MyKayla Skinner made her comments in a now-deleted YouTube video posted weeks ago, and her apology hints at a much darker reality than mere athletic rivalry. In her post apologizing for her comments, Skinner wrote that she was “coming to terms that I have not fully dealt with the emotional and verbal abuse I endured under Marta that perhaps led to my hurtful comments.”
Skinner is referring to Márta Károlyi, who, along with her husband Béla, coached the majority of the Olympic gymnastics teams of the ‘80s, ’90s and 2000s, but who has since been accused of both verbal and physical abuse, and of ignoring complaints against convicted sexual predator Larry Nassar. (Biles, too, was coached by Márta, who was the national team coordinator for the 2016 Rio Games, where Biles was part of the team and Skinner was an alternate.)
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Maybe Skinner could un-block Biles and ask her for some advice about dealing with what she hasn’t processed? Biles has been open about the importance of mental health, and how it made her a better competitor and also…not a person who takes random digs at others. Let us have peace on the beam!