How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Your House: Proven Tips and Expert Advice

Fruit flies can be a persistent nuisance in any household. These tiny insects seem to appear out of nowhere and multiply rapidly, making it difficult to eliminate them completely. If you’re wondering how to get rid of fruit flies in your house, you’re not alone. 

Whether you’re tackling fruit flies in your Los Angeles, CA home kitchen, keeping your Seattle, WA apartment pest-free, or maintaining your Tampa, FL rental, knowing how to get rid of fruit flies in your house is key to a clean home.

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Why do fruit flies infest your home?

Fruit flies are attracted to overripe fruits, vegetables, and other fermenting organic matter. According to Mill Industries,  makers of odorless food recycler in San Bruno, CA, “Flies go nuts for the carbon dioxide released when rotting fruit and liquids ferment.” This makes kitchen trash cans, drains, and countertops prime breeding grounds. Once they find a suitable environment, fruit flies can multiply quickly.

Dan Schwab from Chicago, IL-based Drains Made Simple professional cleaning and sanitation service warns, “The problem with fruit flies is they reproduce so quickly. One female can live 50 days and lay 500 eggs.” Without immediate action, what starts as a minor problem can escalate into a full-blown infestation.

Casey Bishop, CEO of Dr. Killigan’s eco-friendly pest control products, highlights another key factor. “Stacked fruits trap ethylene gas, which accelerates ripening and attracts fruit flies. Store bananas away from apples and pears to extend freshness and prevent an infestation.” 

He also warns, “Fruit flies are drawn to the CO₂ from fermenting foods like mushrooms, bread, alcohol, and ripe bananas. Store mushrooms in the fridge, cover bread, clean spills promptly and don’t forget about those bananas.”

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Are fruit flies harmful to humans?

Although fruit flies are annoying, LPGA Maids in Daytona Beach, FL clarifies that they don’t bite or carry diseases. However, “They do carry bacteria on their bodies, which can transfer to food they touch or lay eggs on.” This is yet another reason why keeping your home clean is so important for effective pest control.

Tips for getting rid of fruit flies in your house

Here are some tips from pest control professionals, cleaning experts, and home maintenance specialists to help get rid of fruit flies.

1. Prevention is key: stop fruit flies before they start

The first step in how to get rid of fruit flies in house is preventing them from taking over in the first place. 

Proper food storage and sanitation are critical. Trent Chipperfield from On Demand Pest Control in Davie, FL suggests, “To prevent fruit flies, store ripe fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator rather than on countertops.” He also recommends using a simple trap. “Place a piece of overripe fruit in a jar, cover it with plastic wrap with small holes poked in; the flies can enter but can’t escape.”

Rosangela Souza from Taskforce Cleaning Services located in Everett, MA echoes this, emphasizing regular maintenance. “Store ripe fruit in the fridge, take out the trash regularly, and keep sink drains clean. If fruit flies appear, fill a cup with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke holes to trap them.”

Additionally, Jon Camargo from Rodent Solutions in Bradenton, FL advises using air-tight containers and cleaning up spills immediately to eliminate potential breeding grounds. “It is also important to keep sinks and drains clean to prevent fruit flies from breeding in leftover food residue,” he adds.

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2. Keep your kitchen clean: a preventative essential

A clean kitchen is your best defense against fruit flies. Michael from Pure House Cleaning in Seattle, WA stresses the importance of regular upkeep. “The best way to prevent fruit flies is to keep your kitchen clean. Take out your trash in a timely manner and wipe down your sink regularly.” 

He also suggests using a simple DIY trap. “Create a simple trap using wine or vinegar, plastic wrap, and a drop of dish soap. Pour the vinegar and soap into a dish, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke small holes in the top. The flies will be drawn to the vinegar and become trapped by the soap, and if any manage to escape, the plastic wrap will prevent them from getting out easily.”

Brett Lieberman from My Pest Pros shares that, “Most fruit fly issues in homes are caused by sanitation issues.” He recommends paying attention to areas that often get overlooked, such as under appliances and in sink strainers. “Use a small bowl of vinegar to help identify the source of the problem. Sit back and watch for the areas of the most activity. This will help you zero in on the area causing the fruit fly issue.”

3. Eliminate overripe fruit: avoid attracting fruit flies

Rotting or overripe fruit is a magnet for fruit flies. Sustainable lifestyle blogger, Sarah Cull of Life in Full Flavour says, “Be sure to get rid of fruit once it is overripe. Be kind to the environment by using it in a recipe such as banana muffins, or adding it to an outside compost heap.”

Casey Bishop of Dr. Killigan’s echoes this advice. “Ditch the fruit bowl. Store bananas away from apples and pears to extend freshness and prevent an infestation,” he says.

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4. DIY traps: effective and easy solutions

If fruit flies have already made themselves at home, DIY traps can help reduce their numbers. 

Recipe blogger and author, Dr. Karen Lee in Valhalla, NY, shares her tried-and-true method. “Pour 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid soap in a small bowl on the counter. You can also cover the bowl with cling wrap with holes; it’s harder for the flies to escape. The apple cider vinegar attracts the flies, and the soap makes them unable to escape.”

Similarly, Christal from Tidy Bird Cleaning Co. recommends using ripe fruit as bait. “If you spot them, place a bowl of ripe fruit covered with plastic wrap and poke small holes; they’ll crawl in but won’t find their way out,” she says.

Wendy Toth from Cincinnati, OH-based independent media outlet DoGoodHQ, suggests a similar variation. “For an effective DIY solution, create a fruit trap by placing overripe bananas in a bowl, then sealing the top with plastic wrap and a rubber band. Poke some holes through with a toothpick for the flies to enter.”

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5. Sanitation: the ultimate weapon against fruit flies

Cleaning is the most critical step in how to get rid of fruit flies in your house. Eudaimonia Pest Control in West Babylon, NY emphasizes this saying “All stages of fruit fly infestations depend on organic debris to complete their life cycle, so removing breeding sources is essential.”

Lincoln Poulin of Poulin’s Pest Control explains, “The key to fruit fly elimination is to find the source and remove it. Too often, people overlook the source and spray the area to knock down the flies. The key is to look where decaying fruit and vegetables may be.” He adds, “This could be limes in empty beer bottles, garbage cans where the bag ripped, or an apple core thrown under the sink by mistake.”

Rampro, a cleaning service in Zion, IL, advises practical steps: .“Place protective covers over fresh produce, eliminate standing water in the kitchen and restroom areas, and ensure there are no sugary products hidden around.”

6. Store-bought solutions: when diy isn’t enough

If DIY methods aren’t working, store-bought solutions can help. Carrie Kutchma of Insects Limited, an insect pheromone trap company in Westfield, IN recommends their GreenWay Fruit Fly Trap for effective elimination. 

For a high-tech solution, Mill Industries recommends using a Mill food recycler to prevent fermentation and stop odors that attract fruit flies. “The Mill food recycler stops the fermentation process and blocks all those odors that fruit flies find so irresistible,” they explain.

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7. Natural repellents: keep fruit flies away for good

If you prefer a natural approach to how to get rid of fruit flies in house, Suwanee, GA-based microbial product manufacturers for growers, Mikrobs recommends keeping fragrant plants like peppermint, eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, and lavender around. “While their scent appeals to humans, it has the opposite effect on fruit flies,” they explain. This creates a pleasant, chemical-free way to deter fruit flies from returning.

Frequently asked questions about getting rid of fruit flies

1. Can fruit flies come from the drain?

Yes, fruit flies often lay their eggs in moist organic matter found in drains. Cleaning and sanitizing your drains regularly can help prevent them from breeding there.

2. How long does it take to get rid of fruit flies?

It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to completely eliminate fruit flies, depending on the severity of the infestation and how thoroughly you address the source.

3. Do homemade fruit fly traps really work?

Yes, DIY traps using apple cider vinegar, plastic wrap, and dish soap are effective in catching adult fruit flies. However, as Lincoln Poulin from Poulin’s Pest Control points out, eliminating the source of the infestation is key to long-term success.

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4. Can fruit flies survive in the refrigerator?

No, fruit flies cannot survive in cold temperatures. Storing ripe fruits and vegetables in the fridge, as Trent Chipperfield from On Demand Pest Control suggests, is an effective way to prevent infestations.

5. How can I prevent fruit flies from returning?

To keep fruit flies from coming back, maintain a clean kitchen, store fruits properly, clean drains regularly, and use natural repellents like peppermint or lavender.

6. Do store-bought fruit fly traps work better than DIY solutions?

Store-bought options like the GreenWay fruit fly trap or Zevo, can be more effective for larger infestations. However, DIY traps can still be useful for mild cases.

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Final Thoughts: How to get rid of fruit flies in house

When it comes to how to get rid of fruit flies in house, prevention, cleanliness, and consistent monitoring are essential. Trapping adult flies might give temporary relief, but as Rampro emphasizes, “The most proven approach to fruit fly mediation is targeting the source.” By keeping your kitchen clean, eliminating potential breeding grounds, and using these methods to trap flies, you can break the cycle and keep this common household pest from returning.

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